Know your OWC - Organic Waste Convertor

Know your OWC - Organic Waste Convertor

Most of you would have noticed the OWC on the boundary bordering Krishna Northwoods. This is the place where our Organic Waste (Whatever you throw out as Biological Waste - typically from the kitchen) is processed to be used as manure for plants. 

This is what goes on in the OWC. 

  • Organic waste is segregated and brought to the OWC
  • This is fed to a organic waste processing machine and left to run for about 10 minutes.
  • Then Saw-dust (1:1 by weight) is added to this mixture and further processed for another cycle.
  • This mixture is then stored in crates and stacked for 25 days. A measured amount of water is added to this every day (not in the rainy season)
  • After 25 days, it is ready for use a manure. 

The Saw-dust is procured from local saw mills. 

An image of the Waste processing machine: 

The Stack of Crates: 

The Watering Mechanism: 

Mr Akbar describing the process

Where you can help: 

The entire process is quite labour-intensive and needs our support staff for manual sorting. If we are careful in soring what we throw out, we could make our and others' lives easier.

Instructions on Running the Waste Convertor: 

A few photos, if you are interested: 

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